A one year’s blogging journey of an unsuccessful blogger
It is nearly one year i started blogging. But frankly speaking what did i got from it in whole one year? Just a $100 adsense checks. Wait… not hundred, $25 dollar was cut as express delivery charge. And it too took 2 months for me to receive money after depositing money. This is the thing I don’t like about adsense.Was my one year just worth of $100. If I had got married instead of doing this job then i would have become a father! Frankly speaking i got in this business because i had heard that there was much money in this field but what i got? Just $75? Ha ha
I had many hope from this but it is not working. I thought Lindsay Lohan was a good stuff so I wrote lot about my love with Lindsay Lohan. But what happened? Nobody read that post and i was the only reader of my post. Then i thought i will write about Aerosmith and me, but same again. I was the only LOYAL reader. Ha ha. You know, John chow was my favorite blogger before but I don’t feel same for him now. You know why? Because he published his earning in his blog and I was really sad comparing my earning with him.
What’s going on? Why can’t we earn? Please don’t tell me that you don’t have good posts or site. That is outdated man. It feels like saying Angelina Jolie is world's most hottest girl(was she ever?),isn’t it outdated.(P.S. I dont know much about her but I have currently listened that Lindsay Lohan's love making video (am I using decent word?) was recently hacked from her computer, so I am desperately waiting for it to spread in the internet.). Oh sorry I think I am going out of track..
Before,I was a thief but now I am penniless because I got no place to thief as all the lockers of my house got new keys. I am really being screwed. I need money, I need work. I need new work because this work is not earning me. So I have thought of many new ideas. Oh yeah actually I am reading engineering now but I am going to be engineer after 4 years. So till that time I need money and I cannot hope from dad because he don’t give me money as I have very bad image in my family. Do you believe that my dad often says I WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE HE EVER MADE?
So what can I do now? So I got some new rebelling ideas. I have heard that there is lot of benefit on selling potatoes. You nearly earn 30% profit. Yeah it is better than eBay or Amazon. And yeah you too should not sell ads there. But like readers need to click your ad, customers need to buy your potatoes. Isn’t it like online business? Ha ha. So after running an unsuccessful blog and using some uncool ways to promote the blog for long time, I have come to conclusion that I should do something new. So you tell me what should I do now? SELL POTATOES?
Oh yeah if you like this potato and want more potatoes then don’t forget to subscribe my blog.

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