Saturday, June 7, 2008

Top visiting countries widget for blogger

If you are having hell of a time knowing the country your readers come mostly from then this blogger widget is for you. This top visiting countries widget for blogger helps to know that GREAT country which has given birth to most of your visitors.

Top visiting countries blogger widget is really helpful to you to track your target visitors or just to be happy saying 'Dude, people of US love my blog!'. I found this widget in widgetbox and later found that this widget was developed by Visitwidget. To talk about the appearance, this widget originally comes in green and you can choose up to 10 top referring countries. You can see the stat of today or last seven days. And i am not sorry that i am not posting screenshot of this widget. Dude, don't be so lazy just give some praise to the widget developer by knocking on their site. Anyway, if you loved that blogger widget then i will be more than happy if i can see your country in my list.

Get This Widget!

Check similar blogger widget like World visitor widget for blogger.

1 comment:

  1. haha nice, thanks for share, I will put that right now.
