Thursday, May 29, 2008

Some Coolest Blogs On blogging.

You have been reading my wacky blog for so long, Blogger hacks, Blogger widgets and Blogging tips, that were the only things you have been reading lately here. But today, I want to take a break from it and want to thank all those who have been inspiration for me . I want to thank the great blogs of some nice bloggers that have been helping me lately to make my blog better and to get traffic for my blog. These are the blogs which were the source of my posts though I never admitted their name. I am sorry but I will fix that now. So at this moment I want to thank all those blogs who were there when I needed an blogging tips, when I needed a template and when I needed a topic to post. If you too are a serious blogger then bookmark all these blogs as these blogs are the best blogs on blogging and may be useful for you too.

1. Blogger Templates: A cool collection of templates with blogging hacks and ideas on HTML code. But his templates are not the main thing that makes me admire him. This man wants to make a healthy blogosphere and also promotes the blogs of immature like us. A link on his blog can change the future of your blog and I have experienced that. What I have leant from him is we should always make the blogosphere healthy and alive and that is the best thing about him apart from his great blog.

2. Trick and Tips tutorial blogger: A cool layout with coolest blogging tips and tricks, this blog rules. The never before seen blogger hacks and blogger tips with so much easy to understand and polished writing, you truly deserve a hallelujah brother! Readers, bookmark this blog if you want to change the way your blog looks.

3. Beautiful Beta: This is not the first time i am writing about this beautiful blog but since this is a thank giving post, i cannot forget han's blog. I really like my blogs new look and all the thanks goes to beautiful beta. The expandable post and many other blogger hacks that i use in my posts and blog is created by hans and I am really grateful for him for all the tips and hacks on blogging he gave.

4. Blogger University: How can I forget Annie now? A PR5 blogger Annie has the best looking blog on this blogosphere and the cool posts only adds scent on the gold. This blog too is the source of many posts of mine and I am so thankful to Annie.

5.Tips for new bloggers: As name suggests, this blog has got it all. tips, tweaks and hacks with a well written post. Tips for new bloggers is a must read blog for all those who want to learn some tips on blogging. This PR4 blog is real good if you want to learn about blogging.

6. Widgets for free: This blog is best when you are searching for free widgets. The cool widgets about blog promotion, blog traffic and social networking can be easily found here for free. So bookmark this blog if you too like to use some good and cool widgets.

These are the all blogs I am remembering right now and I know I have missed some. But I wont forget to give them credit in some other post. So this was the post for today and i hope i have one more post to publish now.

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